Spooky Treats from Sweet Volunteer-heroes
The wonder of L.I.N.K is the times when local folks step up in unexpected ways.
Yvonne and Matt Klinksick and their little tykes make and share sweet trays of joy during COVID-19. When we asked Yvonne about how their family decided to bake treats for LINK she told us,
“It’s easy to feel disconnected from our community when we can’t be out in the usual way and it’s a tough year for so many people. Although I am very lucky to have in-laws nearby, all my family are back home Itin Ireland. Baking was always a way we showed a warm welcome, especially with a cup of tea. In some ways baking for LINK helps me feel connected to back home. I wanted to bring a little of that feeling of home baked comfort from our family to our fellow Lawrencians who are visiting LINK. I wanted our kids to know that they can always find ways to be helpers, even when we can’t be there in person and to see that even little people have power to (hopefully) bring a little smile or kindness to someone. It’s a very little thing we do but it matters to us and we are grateful we can.“
We're All in this Together!
1. What roles do each of your family members play in making and delivering treats?
Éabha (almost 8) and Donnacha (5) are quite the little bakers! Their favorites are scones and cookies. Éabha loves to help decorate too, especially cupcakes. Myself and the little bakers get busy baking on Wednesdays and keep our tiniest, Saoirse (2), from sneaking bites! Matt delivers the treats on Thursdays.
3. How do you go about deciding which treats to make?
We look at holidays coming up like Halloween for inspiration on what to make. But a lot of times it’ll be a request from Éabha or Donnacha to make something we haven’t made in a while, or a new thing they would like to try to bake. We try to think about things that are easy to grab or serve.
4. What have been some of the unexpected highlights or lowlights since you started?
I don’t think of it in terms of highlights or lowlights really – more that I’m glad we can help in a tiny way, and that I’m grateful that places like Just Food, LINK, Ladybird Diner and more are showing up for our community, especially right now. I’m also glad that our kids get to take ownership of being volunteers in their community, even if it is at a distance. I’m not sure if the sprinkle explosions count as a highlight or lowlight! 🙂
5. Please indicate anything that you would like to add about what you have experienced, learned, what the kids have added to this experience etc.?
Éabha and Donnacha sometimes do a silly dance and say “Bakers ready!” right before we begin. They talk about hoping our friends at LINK like the treats that week. They worry if we’ve made enough because they don’t want anyone left out. They know that COVID has made things extra hard for many families. They also know they and our family are a part of our Lawrence community, and that while sometimes you get the support, sometimes you get to be the helper – even apart, we are all in this together.